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What Type of Gym Goer Are You?

What’s your gym personality? We see different levels of commitment, intensity, and many different gym goers each day in our clubs. We love getting to know each and every one of you and your personal goals, so we can support you in any way you need!

Whether you’re a fairweather friend or a fitness fanatic, there’s always room for you in the Goodlife Fit Fam! Want to find out which kind of gym goer you are? Take our quiz… if you dare!

1. How many times per week do you sweat it out at the gym?

A: On the daily.

B: Why do I have to lock in a number of sessions?! I don’t know, okay!

C: 2-3, on average, if you’re lucky.

D: As many times as my friends are keen to get sweaty.

2. What do you look forward to most about your gym sesh?

A: The rush of endorphins and feeling of accomplishment.

B: It’s a nice addition to my day and helps me destress… sometimes.

C: I always feel better after a sweat session, mentally and physically.

D: Hanging out with friends, and seeing my squad in classes.

3. What do you dread?

A: Nothing. You never regret a workout!

B: It’s a lot… Why is consistency so important?!

C: Early mornings… Sigh.

D: The day I rock up to class… and my friends are no-shows.

4. When you workout, do you like to be:

A: Alone… Don’t even think about interrupting my flow.

B: In and out as fast as possible.

C: Slow and steady… it’s not every day you get me in there, so I take my time and maximise my workouts when I do go.

D: Flanked by a group of friends for moral support and #motivation.

5. Do you prefer:

A: Training by myself, no questions.

B: Following an online program I can dip in and out as I please.

C: Training with a PT… when I can be bothered.

D: Group classes all the way!

6. What’s your favourite type of workout:

A: HIIT obvs.

B: A light Pilates class does the job.

C: Strength classes, yoga… whatever I’m vibing in the moment.

D: Whatever my friends are doing.

7. In a class are you:

A: At the front, leading the charge.

B: Lurking in the back, hiding.

C: Towards the side, not quite in the midst of the regulars club yet.

D: Smack bang in the middle, surrounded by my squad.

8. What’s your favourite piece of gym equipment?

A: The rower.

B: The bike.

C: The treadmill.

D: Free weights.

9. What’s in your workout wardrobe?

A: Basics, on repeat. No need for fancy, flashy gear IMO.

B: All black errything.

C: Not much… My fit kit doesn’t get a workout too often…

D: The brightest, boldest pieces I could find. Gym, but make it fashionable.

10. What’s your main goal for your workouts?

A: To sweat up a storm and hit a PB every session.

B: To leave feeling better and healthier than I did before.

C: To show up…

D: To take a selfie with the squad, because if it isn’t on Insta were you even there?

Mostly As: Fast and Furious

The ultimate Fitness Fanatic, #nevermissaMonday is your mantra, and you’re commonly known to show up even on a (wait for it…) Saturday! You’re a regular at the gym, and the “locals” know you on a first name basis… they know you so well, in fact, they’d never dare speak to you - at least mid session. You like to keep your head down, and in the game, from the moment you step through the gym door. Your dedication, focus and discipline are massive strengths, and allow you to continue pushing yourself to new heights and achieving your goals. But don’t forget, rest is productive too. Allow that body some time to rest and recover - it’s all about balance baby!

Mostly Bs: Commitment-Phobe

You’re the friend who regularly smoke-bombs your way out of the party.

You know all too well you feel fab after sweating it out… Yet you remain afraid of commitment. You swing from being determined to stick to a weekly schedule one week, to never showing up the next. The gym isn’t a huge priority right now. Let’s just say, if someone offered you a Vino or a Vinyasa class, you’d take the wine any day of the week.

And good on you for living in the moment. Just remember, in order to live your best life and stay happy and healthy, you have to nourish your body and mind every day. That’s where fitness comes in… Finding a style of workout you love, and can be consistent with, is key for you - then it will no longer feel like a chore to rock up, and you’ll leave feeling fab every single time.

Mostly Cs: Keep It Casual

You love sweating it out, but it’s more of an afterthought than a priority. You compensate for particularly indulgent days by booking in for a HIIT class to burn off the extra choccie, but will rarely set your alarm to the crack of dawn by choice.

Given some encouragement from a friend or loved one, you’ve been known to occasionally drag yourself out of your warm bed early in the morning for a light treadmill jog, but you don’t like to make a habit of it. Often, when you hit the gym, you just feel a little awkward… not entirely sure what to do with yourself, or how to achieve your goals.

Life is busy, okay? It can be hard to prioritise the gym when life calls!

You’d benefit from booking in with one of our expert PTs to discuss your individual goals, and the most efficient ways to reach them. This way, you’ll maximise every minute you spend in the gym, and feel more confident about your workouts. You might even enjoy them more, and find it easier to develop a routine! Trust us on this, it’s actually a hell of a lot of fun when you get in the groove...

Mostly Ds: Social and Sassy

The gym is great and all, but for you it’s a party. It’s a chance to socialise, make new friends and see old ones, and really get your fit fam squad together on the daily.

You’ll never catch you running solo on the tread (#boring), yet you’ll often frequent a group class, or spend far too long lingering around the free weights area, chatting to anyone and everyone in the vicinity.

Some may call you distracting, others think you’re the life of the party. You thrive in Zumba and HIIT classes, the perfect outlet for your energy, yet have no patience for Yin Yoga.

But remember...balance! Balance out that high intensity training with some zen, some mind-body classes which require you to look inwards and spend some time with your own thoughts, rather than chattering at those around you.

The gym is a hive of fun and activity, but you’ll see maximum benefits if you mix it up from time to time.

Check out your nearest club’s schedule for a huge variety of different class types, to change things up and keep it interesting today!