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The Best Music To Listen To While Working Out (According To Science)

Are you looking for a new workout playlist full of new music to listen to while working out? What if we told you that you could actually curate a science-backed playlist that is guaranteed to push you that little but further in the gym and help you reach your goals faster? 

The good news is that a recent study has officially deemed that listening to high-tempo beats will not only increase the benefits of physical exercise, but will also lower the perceived effort involved in working out too! Yep, you heard it here first. The right playlist could help you take your workout to the next level while making exercise feel easier at the same time. It’s a win win. 

How does music enhance performance in the gym?

In the study, participants found that listening to music (in comparison to no music) while exercising resulted in a higher heart rate and lower perceived energy exertion. Here are a few other ways music can enhance performance in the gym:

  • Music provides a distraction to the strain of exercise. 

  • Music can inspire you to run faster or take your reps up a notch. 

  • Music can make exercise more enjoyable.

  • Music can help to improve mood during a workout. 

  • Music can make exercise seem easier. 

How do I make an effective workout playlist? 

The trick to making a really effective workout playlist that keeps you motivated and focused, is to match the tempo to the intensity of your workout. For example, if you’re planning on a high intensity workout, the tempo on your playlist should be really upbeat. 

You pretty much want to avoid being mid HIIT circuit or interval sprints when a really slow love ballad interrupts your trap, hard rock or dance playlist. Taking the time to curate a series of playlists ranging in tempo is the trick to taking your training to the next level.

Our favourite pre-made playlists 

Don’t have time to curate your own playlist? We get it. This is where handy music Apps like Spotify or Apple Music come in handy. You can filter playlists based on tempo and easily search using keywords like “running playlist” or “heavy lifting playlist”. 

Put your new playlist to the test with a 10 day FREE pass at Goodlife.


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