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Real life benefits of Reform Pilates

You’d be surprised by just how much you can achieve with Reform Pilates. 

We asked some of our members to share their experience with us and they delivered! There were so many inspiring wins to choose from, but here are some of our favourites (including a few that were excitingly out of the box). 

Grace can now do three chin-ups 

Three might not sound like a big number, but for Grace, it’s a big win. With only four months of reformer under her belt, she already feels so much stronger. Being able to now do three chin-ups with confidence has surprised her how strong she has gotten.  

Claire can jump higher 

Built like a spring, Claire can leap off the floor and almost touch any ceiling. Claire says she’s strengthened her core and can now tuck jump even higher than before. We like to think of a tuck jump as a reverse crunch… but in the air. 

Richard has more control during martial art sidekicks   

An unusual connection, but Richard has found his sidekicks are stronger while practicing his martial arts. Richard has built strength in his core and improved his balance and control. This new found strength and balance helps him stand better on a single leg;, something essential in a sidekick. 

Eloise feels more confident  

Confidence is attractive and Eloise, without a doubt, now feels 100% more confident than before. Reform Pilates has not only improved the strength in her body but has also improved her mental health too. 

Ralph recovered quicker post-surgery 

After the news Ralph needed some life-threatening surgery, he was told he needed to become fitter and stronger to make it through. After a year of Pilates, Ralph not only made it through the surgery, but recovered in record time. Ralph’s doctor could not be prouder, and neither can we! 

Jess sleeps better at night 

After long days at work Jess still joins for her evening classes even if she doesn’t feel like it. She knows that after every single class her mind is clearer and feels less stressed. Knowing she’ll sleep better at night; reformer is now a non-negotiable in her weekly routine.  

Jake has better strength and form weightlifting 

Reform Pilates has really broken down the essentials of strength training for Jake. Breath work is practiced throughout class and Jake now leverages this during big lifts on the gym floor. By strengthening deep stabilising muscles, Jake’s posture and core is now stronger than ever and is less prone to injury from lifting with poor form. 

This is only just a fraction of what each of our members have and can achieve with Reform Pilates. Come try a class and find out the difference Reform Pilates can make to your life - big and small.