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Get Back To The Gym

David Ogden chats about how to Get Back to the Gym…

Welcome to November 2021. Life has changed over the last 2 years due to the COVID pandemic but the end is in sight. So how did you fair over the last 2 years?

So many people had different perspectives about the lockdown. Some took the time to reflect on their work-life balance, others upskilled and challenged themselves in new creative ways.

Then came the stir-crazy: the lack of physical social interaction was hard for many, and Zoom didn’t cut it. Humans are social creatures and crave the physical presence of others. This doesn’t even begin to cover the effect that it had on businesses here in Australia and around the world.

So what does this mean for you now that we have entered this new “normal”? What has your individual journey looked like?

The biggest thing that got me through these last 2 years was creating a routine around my exercise.  Whether it be training between clients or before/after work, I had to set time aside and get it done. But it wasn't always like this. From conversations with those in the gym, lockdowns created two kinds of people: 

  • The first was the one where exercise wasn’t a priority; getting through the day was the priority.

  • The second was the ones where the lockdown didn't affect their routine.

I started out as the first person. I rarely did any exercise, and if I did, it was a walk around the neighbourhood. So I decided to stop and reflect on my goals beyond lockdown, leading me to invest in some training gear. I started slow with bodyweight workouts and moved to more comprehensive workouts. 

Not only did I start to shed a few of those kilos I’d put on from eating my boredom (Yes, some trainers do that too. We’re only human as well.), but I saw a shift. I was more positive. I was more motivated. I spent more time upskilling through online courses developing this new mindset. This change helped me through the lockdowns and when the gyms reopened, I was ready to head back and smash my goals.

What this means for you …

Developing and maintaining that exercise routine is important. Whether it's a Body Pump class, a spin class, you're a bodybuilder, or new to the gym, getting your exercise routine is critical. Not only to your physical health but your mental health.

At Goodlife, we’re here for that journey with you. It’s time to dust off the gym shoes or even better, treat yourself to some new gym clothes.

If you need help reaching your goals and focusing on what to do to achieve them, our trainers are here to help. I promise, we’re not scary and we don’t bite. We’re all about helping you live your best life.

#livingyourbestlife #livingthegoodlife


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