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3 Ways To Enjoy A Fun Run

The Christmas tree is packed away, New Year's Eve celebrations have been forgotten (only to be remembered through embarrassing Facebook photos) and New Year's Resolutions are in full swing.

For many, a popular resolution is to try a fun run for the first time. but more often than not people are put off by the idea of pounding the pavement with 10,000 strangers only to finish and head home - who can blame them, where is the fun in that?

Do not dismay - fun runs are changing for the better! Music, lights, colour and entertainment now all feature heavily, plus the opportunity to dress up, play games and party before and after the event. Fun runs are truly becoming more FUN.

Below are our top 3 ways to get the most out of your fun run.

1. Dress to impress

Why not dress up in costume with some of your friends for your fun run. Funny costumes, retro workout gear or face-paint! Events like NEON Run encourage participants to wear their best neon clothes and accessorise like there's no one watching. 

2. Don't just run!

Walk, run, skip or DANCE your way through the course. Most fun runs have plenty of music and entertainment on course - mix it up and remember to enjoy the journey!

3. Join the party

Don't be a boring Betty and just do the run. Make sure you take advantage of everything else the event has to offer. Most fun runs include food, market stands, games, music - and in some cases - concerts and after parties! Take your friends and make a day of it - get there early and stay late to get the best value from your run experience!


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